Initially, I was not quite sure how to rate this book. In many ways the ending was a fitting way to unite the three separate chapters of the book, but it still left me feeling a bit confused. The book is really the story of one family, that is cleverly (and creatively?) told over three chapters, though the middle chapter definitely takes a quirky turn, and it is only after reading the last chapter that things seem to fall into place somewhat. I found the characters interesting, all of them, and when I finished the book I found myself still thinking about all of them (both human and animal).
The book has elements of "One Hundred of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and I kept thinking that if I could spend time in the village of Tuizelo, as depicted in the book, it would be a very nice place indeed. Slowing down the pace of my life to enjoy the little things: a walk in the mountains, a relaxing cup of coffee in the town's cafe, taking off my watch and not worrying about the passage of time, reading books, one after the other so that my TBR pile got smaller and smaller, and trying to talk with the local villagers who would (I imagine) accept me with all my foibles, idiosyncrasies, and my mangling of the Portuguese language. Though no electricity would be a big hurdle for me to overcome - just being honest!
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