Sunday, July 30, 2017

A List to Die For - (England)

Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

Started: July 24, 2017
Finished: July 30, 2017
Country: England
Publication: July 1, 2017
I enjoy a good detective story. I have read quite a few over the years: Agatha Christie, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Henning Mankell, Robert Galbraith and now I have another author to add to the list! I really enjoyed this book and in part that was due to the central character of Eddie Sutton. Eddie is a former cop who is forced to leave London's Metropolitan Police (Met) after beating up a a drug dealer. Eddie has a think about drug dealers: he hates them because they take advantage of people and weaknesses they have, and then get them hooked on drugs. But like a good former cop, Eddie still has  connection at the Met, and people still have a need for a cop. Though sometimes it can't be through official channels.

In this book Eddie is contacted by Jack; Jack owns a successful gambling casino in London. Jack's son Tony is kidnapped and is being held for ransom. But  instead of money the kidnappers want a book that contains a lot of sensitive information on the gambling habits (and other types of habits) of the well-placed and public figures that frequent the casino. The book was compiled by Jack's former partner, who has died, and it details the many secrets of people who would not want those secrets to see the light of day. Who has Tony and wants the book is unknown - enter Eddie Sutton.

Along the way Eddie meets many characters: Tony's girlfriend Zoe; Collette, a female drug dealer who hates men (a connection of Ronnie's) and the manager of the casino, Margaret. Eddie will have encounters with all these people and more, as he works to find out who kidnapped Tony.

At times it felt like there were many characters - too many, and I almost wished that I had a flow chart to remember who was who, and what their connection was to Tony or Jack or Eddie himself. But I decided that I would just sit back and enjoy the book, and let the story unfold so that I could learn the identity of the kidnapper the way the author intended. And I am so glad I did! I didn't see the twist when the big reveal occurred - never even entered my mind that it could enter the way it did. Which is a good thing! I look forward to reading more from this author, who I would not have ever found if not for Net Galley. Thanks!!

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