Thursday, July 27, 2017

2017 Man Booker prize longlist released

I was very pleased to learn that the 2017 Man Booker Prize longlist was released. Since about 2010 or so I have enjoyed  learning which books and authors will make the longlist, and then which ones survive the whittling process to make the shortlist of 6 books and vie for the  £50,000.

Of this year's list, I have read two:

Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders and The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead

I really, really enjoyed one; the other, not so much. In fact, I barely finished it. I am not going to write a review of either of these books so I will just leave it at that.

Unfortunately, based on a cursory review of the remaining books on the longlist, not one book jumped out at me a screamed "READ ME!" which is odd as usually there are at least 2-3 that pique my curiosity.

It could be me - or me at this time in my life, but because there are sooooo many books that I want to read, and time seems like it is getting shorter, I want to really, really want to read a book. I don't want to read a book because some TV personality gushes over it. I want to read a book because it interests me and I want to read it for me.

So, I will have to take a second look at the books on the longlist and perhaps on review there will be at least one book that calls my name.

But if not, that's OK, as I have quite enough books in my TBR pile to satisfy me.

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