Saturday, July 7, 2018

The Wife Between Us - (United States, New York)

Started: July 5, 2018
Finished: July 7, 2018
Setting: New York, Westchester NY
Pages: 352
Publication Date: Jan 9, 2018

I read a LOT of hype about this book before I decided to read it. It seemed that almost everyone mentioned that they were "blown away by the ending," or  "they didn't see the ending coning." And I thought that it was just some bit of hyperbole.

And then I read it. And must add my "WOW!!" to the list of reviewers. I was completely blown away by the ending and did not see it coming. I did NOT anticipate the twists and turns the book took. And while I thought I knew where the book was going, I was completely gobsmacked when would get to the end of a chapter and find out that it had changed course and "what" I thought was going to happen and "who" was going to be behind it was completely off base.

Honestly, I could go on and on about the book, but there are so many good review out there (see the Kirkus review linked here) that I'm not sure I could add much to the chorus.

Run, don't walk to read this book. You'll be glad you did.

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